
The modern way of life brings additional obligations, and causes worries which often follow us to our bed at night. Because of the fast life we live, a large number of people feel tired and weak at least once in a day, and some even wake up feeling tired.

Lack of energy negatively affects the course and outcome of daily activities, reducing productivity. The fact is that the type and amount of food we eat plays a significant role in maintaining energy levels throughout the day. Only certain foods provide stable energy, maintain alertness and concentration during the day, while others cause slowness, fatigue and drowsiness.

Which food increases energy?

A good combination and proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for main meals, maintains energy stability throughout the day. A healthy snack renews energy, ensuring the continuity of glucose levels and preventing sudden bursts and drops in energy.

To avoid the feeling of lethargy after a meal, it is necessary to avoid fatty and fried foods and prioritize foods that are closest to their natural shape. Fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat proteins and whole grain products are foods that provide energy.

We should not forget about the necessary regular hydration. Even though a cup of coffee sounds quite tempting and is believed to be effective for waking up, overdoing it with caffeine can cause completely opposite effects than desired. It is necessary to avoid drinks that are full of sugar or cola drinks, and give preference to water, unsweetened teas and lemonades and sometimes squeezed juices.


Although generally low in calories, greens recover and refresh the body due to the richness in vitamins and minerals, thus providing us with additional energy. Dark green vegetables contain plenty of calcium, folate, vitamins A and C, fiber, as well as slightly less magnesium, potassium and iron.

Due to the high concentration of antioxidants, dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, chard, cabbage) have anticancer properties. Dark green leafy vegetables contain B vitamins that are known to help the body convert food into energy.

Choose green leafy vegetables as dark in color as possible, as this is a guarantee that it contains a high concentration of the above-mentioned nutrients.

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Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna are a good source of protein, fatty acids and vitamin B. A serving of salmon or tuna provides the recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, which is a known trigger for fatigue.

Vitamin B12 in combination with folic acid helps the production of red blood cells and thus promotes better iron function in the blood. Optimal levels of red blood cells and iron reduce fatigue and increase energy.

If you do not have the opportunity to choose salmon, you can choose tuna, sardines, mackerel, herring or anchovies.

Whole grains

Whole grains are the ones that have undergone the smallest amount of processing, which means that all the good things remain on the grain. Whole grains provide plant fibers that prevent sudden jumps in blood glucose levels after a meal.

Eating a diet rich in fiber gradually weakens energy, and does not allow sudden jumps and falls in blood glucose levels, which are certain after a meal rich in multi-processed carbohydrates.

Whenever possible, choose products made from whole grains of wheat, spelled, buckwheat, barley, oats, millet or integral-brown rice.


Egg is one of the most complete foods that has all the nutrients except vitamin C. It is a food that provides satiety and energy throughout the day.

Rich in protein, eggs provide stable and sustainable energy, as they do not cause a sudden jump and drop in blood glucose and insulin levels. The amino acid leucine is mostly found in eggs and stimulates energy production.

This amino acid helps glucose from the blood enter the cell, thus stimulating energy production and increasing fat breakdown. Also, eggs are rich in B vitamins that help enzymes convert food into energy.

Having all this in mind and despite the opposite claims, one egg a day really gives strength.

Fruit that helps with increasing energy

Lately, the fruit has been talked about in a bad context due to the sugar that is normally found in it in its natural form. It is neglected that the fruit contains a minimum of 70% water, vitamins, minerals and plant fibers. It is recommended to take in about 25g of plant fiber for women and about 38g for men during the day.

Maintain energy levels and during the afternoon by picking some fresh or dried fruit. If you want to sweeten up with something, choose prunes, figs, dates or Greek yogurt with raspberries or some other berries.

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Probably the most popular fruit in the world, the apple, is a good source of carbohydrates and plant fibers.

An average-sized apple (185g) contains 25g of carbohydrates, 19g of sugar and up to 4g of plant fiber. Due to its natural content of sugar and plant fibers, apples provide a gradual release of energy. Apples also contain a large amount of antioxidants, which slow down the digestion of carbohydrates and thus provide energy for a long time.

We rightly use the apple as a symbol of health.


You must have noticed that during the break of big matches, top athletes like our Novak nibble on a banana for a quick recovery. That happens for a reason. Banana is a rich source of potassium, complex carbohydrates and plant fibers, which together give a significant increase in energy. Among other things, bananas increase the release of dopamine, a pleasure hormone that facilitates the continuation of work.


Nuts are a great choice for a snack because they are full of nutrients that raise energy. It is generally rich in calories but also protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. These nutrients can provide a gradual release of energy throughout the day.

Nuts are a good source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and antioxidants that increase energy and help prevent inflammatory processes. Manganese, iron, B vitamins and vitamin E in nuts reduce fatigue.

If you feel exhausted, pick a nut in one handful and slowly nibble on it.

There are many foods that provide energy. Whether they are rich in carbohydrates that release energy quickly or plant fibers and proteins that make it slower, they all increase strength and endurance. These foods contain a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Together, they participate in the production of energy in the cell, but they also perform many other important functions in the body.

If you need more energy, a great start is to incorporate these foods into your regular diet!

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