
Cristina Mata Yoga teacher

I feel very relaxed, I only sleep few hours and when I put on Lucha T8 I sleep immediately and for more hours. I think the device brings each one the balance they need.

Aleksandar Ječmenica Businessman

As I told you, the best thing I noticed was when I didn't sleep for 48 hours, and on the third night, I only slept for 3 hours. Using the "Lucha T8", I covered 1,000 km and I didn't feel…

Daniela Cavlina Lawyer

I fell three weeks ago and stretched the tendons on my knee and I have unpleasant pains in my knee joint. I apply "Bur gel", but when I need to relax, the pain starts. Last night I put "Lucha T8"…

Aleksandar Hengl Entrepreneur

Dear friends, at the events we organize we had the opportunity, on two occasions, to try out the Lucha T8 device with the attendees. During our presentation, the attendees wore the device around their necks for one interval, and everyone,…

I had an emotional problem and when I put Lucha T8, it balances my energy and changes my thoughts about the situation, so I have more clear thoughts and manage the situation better. The device surprised me a lot.

Marta Barti Massage instructor

I feel more relaxed, like when you go to nature or do a Yoga class.

Maribel Travé Yoga teacher

I got the "Lucha T8" for use a month ago. Somewhere during the first wave of the pandemic, I got acute severe eczema on my hand due to the use of alcohol and various disinfectants. I tried to cure it in all ways and on the advice of a dermatologist, I finally used antibiotics and corticosteroids. Unfortunately, the improvement was felt very briefly to return everything to the same. After only five days of use "Lucha T8" my hand was healthy and my skin was as soft as it used to be. That hasn't changed even today. I am very happy that there is something that can help so much, and without any side effects and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who has similar problems. Thanks to the team that designed such an effective product.

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Sandra Dramićanin Violin teacher

Dies ist Lucha T8.

Entstanden aus der Überzeugung, dass das Ungleichgewicht im menschlichen Körper ein Spiegelbild des Ungleichgewichts in unserer Umgebung ist.


Lucha completely won me over from the very beginning when I first tried it on. Since then, I haven't separated from it. Whether I'm upset, in pain, or just need it close, it makes me feel secure. 😆 I've had some incredible situations with it. I even thought 3 times that I was left without it, but it came back to me. Once, it untied and fell while I was taking my child to school. I didn't even notice because I had a ton of clothes on, and it just slipped off. I only realized it was missing when I got home, took off all my things, and tried to turn it on. I was so sad because I had just bought it, and I don't usually do this, but I retraced my entire route and couldn't find it. I was about to give up when I cast my gaze across the street (where I hadn't even walked), and I saw something glowing. 😁 It seems someone had picked it up and got scared when they turned it on, so they threw it away. The second time, a wild horse chased after me. During their play, the horse reared up and hit me with its hoof on the shoulder, and somehow, my Lucha got unhooked and fell. It happened in a massive field in the autumn, and the whole earth and grass had the same color as Lucha. Again, I didn't notice it was missing until I was sitting and sipping tea. I went back to that spot (approximately because there was nothing specific in the field of about 3-4 hectares). In my mind, I called it 😄 , and after a few minutes, I saw it along with my glasses, which had also fallen off. The third time, I jumped into the pool, and since I practically never take it off, I forgot it was tied around my neck. It got completely soaked, and it didn't work the entire day. But the next day, it dried up and started glowing again! 😁 It might have a few cracks, but it works! It is indestructible! 🥰 Saying that I love it is an understatement! 🙏🏻💫✨💕

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Jelene Davinić

I already have the Lucha T8 device and I use it every day multiple times! Before going to bed and always when I feel pain in some part of my body. I don't know how or why it works, but I am completely convinced of the positive effect of the device! Thank you!

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Mirjana Bandović

For me, Lucha T8 was a revelation, it helped me a lot during periods in which I had a lot of challenges on my emotional level. And so it brought me to a state of balance. It always has the power to ground me. Last year I became a mom and that's when Lucha T8 was there for me. Not only did I use it for the postpartum period and quick recovery, I realized that I can use it for the baby as well. So, we put it on the baby's stomach during the colic phase. I can really say that she helped us a lot.

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Sofija Borojević

Thank you very much! I read a lot of your content because the Lucha T8 device is truly one of the best investments I've made in the past year. I use it every day and I absolutely love it!

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Milica Dobrojević

I do manicures and have pain in the lumbar part of my back, and sometimes it pinches me near the shoulder blade on the right side. I usually improve my condition with therapeutic massage, once every 6 months when I go to a chiropractor. I also started working out, I have a trainer in the gym, so since my back muscles have strengthened, I feel much better and my back hurts less. Recently, I injured myself a bit in the gym with an exercise that wasn't for me, so the lumbar part of my back hurt again. I put the Lucha T8 device on that part of my back and in half an hour I was better.

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Mariola Kozmetičarka

I use the Lucha T8 device every day. It's been a month since I've been using it and I'm very satisfied. The energy it gives me changes my life. Enjoying! therapeutic massage, once every 6 months when I go to a chiropractor. I also started working out, I have a trainer in the gym, so since my back muscles have strengthened, I feel much better and my back hurts less. Recently, I injured myself a bit in the gym with an exercise that wasn't for me, so the lumbar part of my back hurt again. I put the Lucha T8 device on that part of my back and in half an hour I was better.

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Marija Košavec
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