At the moment it is not, we are in the phase of preparing a clinical study. We have over 5000 satisfied users and case studies of people who have used the device and recorded positive results that you can see here.
At the moment it is not, we are in the phase of preparing a clinical study. We have over 5000 satisfied users and case studies of people who have used the device and recorded positive results that you can see here.
Entstanden aus der Überzeugung, dass das Ungleichgewicht im menschlichen Körper ein Spiegelbild des Ungleichgewichts in unserer Umgebung ist.
Scientific texts - Learn more about the science behind the technology through papers written by our experts.
Follow up on interviews and further info related to scientific studies and health benefits of a life in balance.
We still haven’t untapped all of Lucha T8’s health benefits. Check out some of the tests we've undergone so far.
Explore the many use cases our users have had with the Lucha T8 device.
All you need to know about the device benefits, ordering, returns, and delivery.