Mirjana Prljević

Consultant for strategic positioning and business diagnostics

"Listen to yourself, listen to your surroundings and listen to the planet. The planet is rotating all the time, not a single moment that has passed is the same as this very moment. The only thing we have is now."

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How Lucha T8 helped me

In that process where from a reactor, in the sense of a person who only reacts to a certain moment that happened, whether the person was provoked, motivated, inspired, etc. until you are able to transform it at the level of consciousness and then generate those rays of beautiful light yourself. Well, that's Lucha T8 for me. Lucha T8 is a device that can symbolically help a person a lot. From the very functioning of that impulse that simply harmonizes and balances you with the planet Earth, to those different changes in vibration, that breathing of the planet - the same way Lucha T8 can guide you to that point.


Mirjana Prljević is a world-renowned consultant with over 25 years of experience in strategic positioning in the field of entrepreneurship and business intelligence. Mirjana lives and works in Belgrade and Paris. Around the world, Mirjana holds the MasterClass "T²: TESLA SQUARE - Digital Transformation, the influence of analog and digital signals on the perception of the mind". She is the author of the trilogy inspired by the character and work of Nikola Tesla: Academy of Little Geniuses TESLA GENIUS®, TESLIANUM® Almanac, and T²: TESLA SQUARE®, which are implemented all over the world.

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Vanja Grbić Olympic volleyball player
Ceca Živojinović Holistic development coach
Leon Bjelić Photographer, writer