Dejana Stanković

Yoga Lehrerin

"Lucha T8 ist eine großartige Unterstützung um innere Balance und Harmonie zu erreichen, ein fantastisches Gerät, dessen wohltuende Wirkung ich jedes Mal spüre, wenn es sich einschaltet."

More About Me

How Lucha T8 helped me

In daily activities when it’s a complete chaos and when everything happens so quickly, I can focus on myself a lot easier and place myself in the center. This is exactly what many of us need because finding inner peace, moving out of crowds, leaving the city is not an option, but with Lucha T8 I can achieve this feeling.


Through yoga, meditation and well-being programs, I transfer my knowledge and experience to people as means of support in self-care, prevention and health preservation, self-exploration and getting to know your body and mind. By working with people, we raise awareness of what health is and what resources are available to us, knowledge of what makes our life richer, more joyful and meaningful, self-love and a fulfilled, free life. Through the discipline of yoga and meditation, we learn how to return to a natural state of unity and connection. I implement my Yoga4Healthcare program with company employees, group and individual classes, organize yoga trips in the country and abroad.

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