
In Angelman syndrome, epilepsy most often appears between the ages of 2 and 3 along with balance disorders.
Since the Schumann frequency is similar and is in the alpha-brain rhythm range between 7 and 14 Hz, it is expected that by achieving energy balance and synchronizing the brain rhythm with the natural Schumann frequencies, the impact of the electrical discharge of the epileptic focus in the brain will be reduced, and hence the degree and intensity of epileptic attacks will be reduced.

We do not have much experience, literature rarely contains clearly defined data with little real clinical experience about Schumann and epilepsies.

There are no contraindications for the Lucha T8 device and you can use it combined centrally (in the position of the solar plexus) and at the point of pain or discomfort if there is any. It is best to use the device 3-4 times a day both centrally and locally.

Dies ist Lucha T8.

Entstanden aus der Überzeugung, dass das Ungleichgewicht im menschlichen Körper ein Spiegelbild des Ungleichgewichts in unserer Umgebung ist.


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