Dr Milan Rajković

Naučni Savetnik

Naučni savetnik u Institutu za nuklearne nauke Vinča i profesor nelinearne dinamike i teorije haosa Univerziteta u Beogradu

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Osnovne studije za Fiziku

Univerzitet u Kentakiju

Master studije za Fiziku

Univerzitet u Kentakiju, Naslov teze: Elektronska trakasta struktura interkalacionog jedinjenja grafita sa frakcionim indeksom stepena.

Doktorat u oblasti Fizike

Univerzitet u Beogradu, Naziv disertacije: Karakterizacija prostorno-vremenskog haosa u proširenim sistemima

Tehničko iskustvo

1980-1981 - Asistent

Asistent za predmet Fizika I, Odseku za fiziku, Univerzitet u Kentakiju

1981-1982 - Asistent

Asistent za predmet Fizika II, Odseku za fiziku, Univerzitet u Kentakiju

1983-1984 - Asistent

Asistent za predmet Mehanika i Termodinamika, Odsek za fiziku, Univerzitet Case Vestern Reserve

1998-sada - Profesor

Kurs iz nelinearne dinamike i teorije haosa & Kurs iz računarske topologije, Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija

1998-sada - Savetnik i mentor na doktorskim studijama

Odsek za fiziku Univerziteta u Beogradu i Odsek za primenjenu matematiku, Tehnički univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Srbija

Radno i istraživačko iskustvo

1982-1985 - Univerzitet u Kentakiju

Oblasti istraživanja: Primene teorije katastrofe na efekat duge u kanalisanju jona

1990-present - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd

Primene teorije sistema nelinearne dinamike na fluide i plazme. Prostorno-vremenske strukture i teorija haosa. Turbulencija fluida i plazme. Solitoni i integrabilni sistemi. Primene statističke fizike u ekonomiji – Ekonofizika. Statistička fizika složenih sistema i mreža. Primenjena i računarska topologija

2000-2005 - Rukovodilac projekata finansiranih od strane Ministarstva za nauku i tehnologiju RS

Nelinearno modeliranje i dinamika multifaznih tokova sa primenama u termoenergetici i industriji

2006-2010 - Rukovodilac projekata finansiranih od strane Ministarstva za nauku i tehnologiju RS

Nelinearni fenomeni i dinamika kompleksnih sistema i fluidnih tokova

2011-2019 - Rukovodilac projekata finansiranih od strane Ministarstva za nauku i tehnologiju RS

Napredne analitičke, numeričke i metode analize primenjene mehanike fluida i kompleksnih sistema

2004-2017 - Koordinator za Srbiju

Član upravnog odbora evropskih COST programa



Tečno (pisanje, čitanje, govor)


Tečno (pisanje, čitanje, govor)


Napredno (čitanje, govor)


Napredno (čitanje, govor)

More Info

Urednik monografija

  1. ATOMS Special Issue
  2. SPIG2018
  3. Edited by Goran Poparić, Bratislav Obradović, Duško Borka and Milan Rajković
  4. mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/1256
  5. ISBN 978-3-03897-850-3 (Pbk)
  6. ISBN 978-3-03897-851-0 (PDF)
  7. Elsevier, 2019

Radovi i poglavlja u knjigama i monografijama

  1. M. Rajković, T –H. Watanabe and M. M. Škorić, Characterization of Turbulence and Transport in Magnetic Confinement Devices, American Inst. Of Physics Proceedings 1445 (2012) pp 15-33
  2. S. Maletić, M. Rajković, Simplicial Complex of Opinions on Scale-free Networks, in Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer 207 (2009) 127-134.
  3. S, Maletić, D. Horak and M. Rajković, Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer 5102 (2008) 508,
  4. Milan Rajković and M.M. Škorić, Clustering Properties of Confined Plasma Tirbulence Signals, in Chaos, Complexity and Transport, ed. G. Zaslavsky, C, Chandre and X. Leoncini, World Scientific, 2008.
  5. M. Rajković, Multiresolution Local Adaptive Method for the Analysis of Spatially Extended Systems, in Simulation and Identification of Organized Structures in Flows, ed. Jens N. Sørensen, Kluwer Publications, Amsterdam, 1997.
  6. M. Skorić, M. Jovanović and M. Rajković, Anomalous Spectral Signatures of High-Intensity Stimulated Raman Backscattering, in Laser Interaction and related Plasma Phenomena, vol. 12, eds. G. Miley and S. Nakai, American Institute of Physics, 1996.
  7. M. Rajković, M. Skorić, M. Jovanović and M. Kono, Incoherent Regimes in Stimulated Raman Backscattering, in Transport, Chaos and Plasma Physics, eds. S. Benkada, F. Doveil and Y. Elskens, World Scientific, 1996.
  8. M. Skoric, M. Jovanovic and M. Rajkovic, Spatiotemporal intermittency and chaos in stimulated Raman scattering, in Dynamical Systems and Chaos, ed. Y. Aizawa, S. Saito and K. Shiraiwa, World Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
  9. Milan Rajkovic, Jovica Riznic and Mamoru Ishii, Chaos in Two-phase Flashing Flows in Spatio-temporal Structures and Chaos in Heat and Mass Transfer Processes, ed. M. Todorovic and L. Pismen, Mrljes and Sons, Nikosia, 1994.

Radovi u međunarodnim časopisima

  1. Milan Rajković, Miloš Milovanović and Miloš M. Škorić, Quantifying self-organization in fusion plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 24, 052303 (2017).
  2. Slobodan Maletić, Yi Zhao and Milan Rajković, Persistent topological features of dynamical systems, Chaos 26, 053105 (2016).
  3. Miroslav Andjelković, Bosiljka Tadić, Marija Mitrović Dankulov, Milan Rajković and Melnick Roderick, Topology of Innovation Spaces in the Knowledge Networks Emerging through Questions and Answers PLoS One 11, (2016) e0154655.
  4. Miroslav Andjelković, Bosiljka Tadić, Slobodan Maletić and Milan Rajković, Hierarchical sequencing of online social graphs, Physica A, 436 (2015) 582-595.
  5. Slobodan Maletić and Milan Rajković, Consensus formation on a simplicial complex of opinions, Physica A, 397 (2014) 111-120.
  6. Miloš Milovanović and Milan Rajković, Quantifying self-organization with optimal wavelets, Europhysics letters, 102 (2013) 40004.
  7. Lj. Stamenić, M. Rajković and Dj. Klisić, Performance optimization of the BIPV powered electrolyser and fuel cells installation, Energy and Buildings 51 (2012) 39-47.
  8. Slobodan Maletić and Milan Rajković, Combinatorial Laplacian and entropy of simplicial complexes associated with complex networks, European Physical Journal-Special Topics 212 (2012) 77-97.
  9. Slobodan Maletić, Danijela Horak and Milan Rajković, Cooperation, Conflict and Higher-Order Structures of Social Networks, Advances in Complex Systems, 15 (2012) 1250055-(1-29).
  10. M. Rajković, T –H. Watanabe and M. M. Škorić, Spatiotemporal dynamics and transport reduction in helical magnetic configuration, Physics of Plasmas 16 (2009) 092306.
  11. Milan Rajković, Tomo-hiko Watanabe, M.M Škorić, Level Crossing function in the Analysis of Magnetic Confined Turbulence, Nuclear Fusion 49 (2009) 095016.
  12. Danijela Horak, Slobodan Maletić and Milan Rajković. Persistent Homology of Complex Networks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2009) P03034.
  13. Milan Rajković, M.M. Škorić, K. Sølna and G. Antar, Characetrization of Local Turbulence in Magnetic Confinement Devices, Nuclear Fusion 48 (2008) 1-13.
  14. Milan Rajković and M.M. Škorić, Characterization of Intermittency in Plasma Edge Turbulence, Contributions to Plasma Physics 48 (2008) L31-L35.
  15. Mladen Nikolić and Milan Rajković, A group theoretic approach to a class of third-order  differential equations with two parameter symmetry group solvable by quadratures,
  16. Nonlinear Dynamics 48 (2007) 17-27. Preprint: math-ph/0509074 (also math-ph/0501070)
  17. Mladen Nikolić and Milan Rajković, Bifurcations in Nonlinear Models of Fluid Conveying  Pipes, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 22 (2006), 173-195. Preprint: nlin.CD/0509056
  18. Z. Mihailović and M. Rajković, Cooperative Parrondo’s games on a two-dimensional  lattice, Physica A 365 (2006) 244-251. Preprint: cond-mat/0509783.
  19. M. Rajković, Nonextensive entropy as a measure of time series complexity, Physica A 340 (2004) 327-333. Preprint: nlin.CD/0404019.
  20. M. Rajković and Z. Mihailović, Quantifying Complexity in the Minority Game, Physica A 325 (2003) 40 – 47. Preprint: cond-mat/0306612.
  21. Z. Mihailović and M. Rajković, One-dimensional Asynchronous Cooperative Parrondo’s  Games, Fluctuation and Noise Letters 3 (2003) L389 – 398. Preprint: cond-mat/0307193.
  22. Z. Mihailović and M. Rajković, Synchronous Cooperative Parrondo’s Games,  Fluctuation and Noise Letters 3 (2003) L399 – 406. Preprint: cond-mat/0307212.
  23. M. Rajković, Extracting Meaningful Information from Financial Data, Physica A 287 (2000) 383 – 395.
  24. M.M. Škorić, M.S. Jovanović and M.R. Rajković, Route to Turbulence in Stimulated Raman  Backscattering, Physical Review E, 53, (1996), 4056 – 4066.
  25. M.M. Škorić, M.S. Jovanović and M.R. Rajković, Spatiotemporal Intermittency and Chaos  in Stimulated Raman Scattering, Europhysics Lett., 34, (1996), 19-24.
  26. Milan Rajković, Jovica Riznić and Mamoru Ishii, Spatio-Temporal Complexities and Chaos  in Two-phase Flashing Flow, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1-3, (1994), 53 – 66.
  27. Milan Rajković, J. Riznić and M. Ishii, Chaos in Two-phase Flashing Flows, Journal of  Heat Technology, 1, 1996 , 3 – 19.
  28. Milan Rajković, J. Riznić and Mamoru Ishii, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Two-phase  Flow Complexities, Thermal Science 3-4, (1994), 8.
  29. A. H. Benade and Milan Rajković, Junction inertances and compliances at waveguide discontinuities , J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 77, S1 (1985) S91.

Urednik radova sa međunarodnih konferencija

  1. Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer Division – 1998,
  2. The 1998 ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 1998, Anaheim, CA.

Radovi na međunarodnim konferencijama

  1. M. Rajkovic , Time operator and Number Theory  20th Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM), Belgrade, October 7-11, 2019
  2. M. Rajković, Quantifying Self-organization in Arts, Final meeting of the (COSMOS), H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Innovative Training Networks program, Dolenjske Toplice, Slovenia, October 2018.
  3. M. Rajković and M. Milovanović, Quantifying self-organization and complexity in complex systems, 19th Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics SFKM 2019, Beograd.
  4.  M. Rajković, Simplicial Complexes as Complex Networks http://e20.manu.edu.mk/complexsystems/ , Complex systems from theory to applications, Skopje, May 7-9, 2007.
  5. Milan Rajković and Zoran Mihailović, Quantifying Complexity of Financial Markets and Minority Games, 3rd Japan – Yugoslavia Joint Workshop on Computer Simulation in Science, Belgrade, September 2002.
  6. Milan Rajković, Phase Transitions and Complexities in the Minority Game, 2nd Japan – Yugoslavia Joint Workshop on Computer Simulation in Science, National Institute of Fusion Science, Toki, Japan, October, 2001.
  7. Milan Rajković, Complexity and Irreversibility in Turbulence and Financial Market’s Data, 1st Japan – Yugoslavia Joint Workshop on Computer Simulation in Science, Belgrade, September 2000.
  8. M. Rajković, Analysis of Coherent Structures in Extended Systems by the Local Multiresolution Adaptive Method, International Conference on Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), 1998, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia.

Radovi u zbornicima radova

  1. M. Rajkovic and M. Andjelkovic, Homology and multifractal features of chaotic dynamic systems, Proceedings of CHAOS 2019 Chaotic Modeling and Simulation, International Conference, 18 – 22 June 2019, Chania, Crete, Greece, p.86-7.
  2. M. Rajković, Applied topology of nonliner dynamic systems, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on chaotic modeling and simulation, CHAOS 2018, Rome, p. 111.
  3. M. Rajković, Predicting Cross-Scale Self-Organization in Turbulent Magnetically Confined Plasmas, paper TH/P3-38, 26th IAEA Conference on Nuclear Fusion, Kyoto, October 17-22, 2016.
  4. M. Rajković and M. Milovanović, Wavelet based Hidden Markov method for quantifying self-organization and complexity, Complexity and self-organization in complex systems, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on chaotic modeling and simulation, CHAOS, May 26-29, 2015, Paris, pp. 105-6.
  5. M. Rajković, M. Milovanović, T-H Watanabe and M. Škorić Quantifying self-organization in magnetically confined fusion plasmas, Paper TH/P1-7, 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conferennce, St. Peterburg, Ocoteber 13-18, 2014.
  6. M. Rajković, Instabilities in the connective structure of financial simplicial networks, International conference on statistical mechanics, Sigma Phi, July 7-11, 2014, Rhodos.
  7. M. Rajković, Nonextensivity as a measure of self-organization and the criterion for an optimal wavelet representation, International conference on statistical mechanics, Sigma Phi, July 7-11, 2014, Rhodos.
  8. M. Rajković, S. Maletić, Statistical Mechanics of Simplicial Complexes: Combinatorial Laplacian and Spectral Entropy, International conference on statistical mechanics, Sigma Phi, 2011, Larnaca, Cyprus, 2011.
  9. M. Rajković, T-H. Watanabe, Spatiotemporal chaos, stochasticity and coherent structures related to turbulent transport in toroidal magnetic configurations, Workshop on Electric fields, Turbulence, and Self-organization in magnetic plasmas, EFTSOMP 2011, Starsbourg.
  10. M. Rajković, T-H. Watanabe and M.Škorić, Spatiotemporal chaos, stochasticity and transport in toroidal magnetic configurations, paper THS/P8-04, 23rd IAEA Fusion ENergy Conference, Daejon October 11-16, 2010.
  11. M. Rajković, S. Maletić and D. Horak, Statistical mechanics of simplicial complexes, Proceedings of Computational and Geometric Topology International Conference, Bertinoro, Italy, pp. 241-258.
  12. M. Rajković, M. Škorić and. M. Kono, Local multifractal characteristics of confined plasma and neutral fluid turbulence, International Symposium, on the Physics of Ionized Gases, SPIG 2010 piblished as Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade 89 (2010) 355-8.
  13. M. Rajković, Multifractal and Non-extensive Analysis of Magnetic Confined Plasma Turbulence, International conference on nonextensive statistical mechanics, NEXT 2008, Kolymbari, Crete.
  14. M. Rajković, Control of Spatiotemporal Chaos and Transport Reduction in Helical Magnetic Configuration, Toki 2008
  15. M. Rajković, Characterization of Intermittency in Plasma Edge Turbulence, The 11th International workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion devices, PET 2007, Takayama.
  16. M. Rajković, A Comparison of netral fluid and plasma intermittency, The 27th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research, Toki-city, Japan 2007.
  17. M. Rajković et Zoran Mihailović, Dynamique spatio-temporelle des jeux paradoxaux de spin-modele sur un resau, Proceedings de 5éme Colloque sur le Chaos Temporel et le Chaos Spatio-temporel 12-13 Decembre 2005 – ISEL, Le Havre – France.
  18. S. Maletić , Z. Mihailović and M. Rajković, The Program Structure of Television, Proceedings of the international workshop Potentials of Complexity Science for Business, Governments and the Media, Budapest, August 2006.
  19. Milan Rajković et Zoran Mihailović, Dynamique spatio-temporelle des jeux paradoxaux de spin-modèle sur un réseau, 5e Colloque Chaos Temporel et Chaos Spatio-Temporel, C. Letellier, O. Crumeyrolle, A. Prognet et I. Mutabazi, Editeurs, Decembre 2005. pp27-32.
  20. Mladen Nikolić and Milan Rajković, Bifurcations from Stationary Solutions in Nonlinear Models of Fluid Conveying Pipes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Flow Induced Vibrations (FIV), ed. E. de Langre and F. Axisa, Paris, July 2004, p. 172.
  21. Milan Rajković, Topological Complexity in Detection of Phase Changes and Classification of Time Signals, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Grenoble, January 2003, ed. P. Réfrégier, J.M. Chassery and P.O. Amblard, pp. 97-100.
  22. Z. Mihailović and M. Rajković, Discrete Scale Invariance Method for Predicting Tube Rupture, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 11), ed. M. Aritomi, Tokyo, April 2003, pp.
  23. M. Rajković, Multiresolution local adaptive method for the analysis of spatio-temporal signals, 31st Workshop on Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity, Erice, 2003.
  24. M. Rajković, Evolutive and Catastrophic Bifurcations in Two-phase Flow Regime Transitions, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multiphase Flows (ICMF), New Orleans, 2001, ed. E. E. Michaelidis, paper no. 481, E1-E11.
  25. M. Rajković, Strong Localization of Acoustic Waves in Two – Phase Mixtures, International Conference on Multiphase Flows, Lyon, France, June 1998.
  26. Milan Rajković, Multiresolution Local Adaptive Method for the Analysis of Spatiotemporal Systems, IUTAM Symposium on Simulation and Identification of Organizaed Structures in Flows, Lyngby, Denmark, May, 1997.
  27. M. Rajkovic, J. Riznić and G. Kojasoy, Flow Pattern Transitions in Horizontal Two – phase Flow; a Nonlinear Dynamics Approach, Proceedings of the NURETH – 8 Meeting, Kyoto, Japan , 1997.
  28. M. Rajković, Spatiotemporal Chaos in Three Wave Interaction, Proceedings of Fluctuations, Nonlinearity and Disorder, September 1996, Crete, Greece.
  29. M. Kono, M. Skorić, M. Jovanović, M. Rajković and S. Myamoto, Anomalous Spectral Signatures in Three Wave Interaction, 24 European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, ECLIM, 1996, Madrid, Book of Abstracts, PM-70.
  30. M. Rajković, J. Riznić and G. Kojasoy, Dynamical Characteristics of Flow Pattern Transitions in Two-phase Flows, Proceedings of Eurotherm Conference, Rome, May 1996 .
  31. M. Skorić, M. Jovanović and M. Rajković, Spectral Sigantures of Anomalous Regimes in Stimulated Raman Backscattering, Proceedings of the International conference on Laser interaction with matter, Osaka, Japan, 1995.
  32. M. Rajković, Analysis of Spatiotemporal Signals of Dynamical Systems: Theory and Appplications, Proceeedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Appplied Technologies, Boston, October 1995.
  33. M. Skorić, M. Jovanović and M. Rajković, Coexistence of coherent and turbulent regimes in Stimulated Raman Scattering in Plasma, International Topical Plasma Physics Workshop and Symposium: Coherent Processes in Nonlinear Media, Inernational Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1995.
  34. M. Skorić, M. Jovanović M. Rajković and M. Kono, Coherence and Turbulence in Nonlinear Three Wave Interaction, International Workshop on Transport, Chaos and Plasma Physics 2, Marseille, France, 1995.
  35. Milan Rajković, Jovica Riznić and Mamoru Ishii, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Multiphase Flows: State of the Art, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multiphase Flows, Kyoto, Japan, April 1995.
  36. Milan Rajković, Jovica Riznić and Mamoru Ishii, Characteristics of Spatiotemporal Intermittency in Two-phase Flows, International Symposium on Two-phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, Rome, October 1995.Milan Rajković and Jovica Riznić, Chaos in Two-phase Flashing Flow: Theory and experiment, Proseedings of the 1994 Winter ASME Conference, Chicago, October 1994.
  37. Milan Rajković, Vlada Radivojević and Dejan Timotijević, Complexity Analysis of the Electrical Activity of the Human Brain, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Clinical Neurophysiology, Budapest, July 1994.
  38. Milan Rajković, Vlada Radivojević and Dejan Timotijević, Analysis of Pathological EEG recordings using the Bi-Orthogonal Method, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Clinical Neurophysiology, Budapest, July 1994.M. Skorić, M. Jovanović and M.
  39. Rajković, Spatiotemporal intermittency in stimulated Raman scattering, Proceedings of the International seminar on dynamical systems and chaos, Tokyo, Japan, 1994.
  40. Milan Rajković, Jovica Riznić and Mamoru Ishii, Flow Regime Classification and Spatio-temporal Complexities in Flashing Flows, Proceedings of the 29th National Heat Transfer Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 1993.
  41. Milan Rajković, Jovica Riznić and Mamoru Ishii, Spatio-Temporal Complexities and Chaos in Two-phase Flows, Proceedings of the 6th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Grenoble, France, October 1993., p.103.
  42. Milan Rajković, Jovica Riznić and Mamoru Ishii, Chaotic Bubbling Dynamcs in Two-phase Flashing Flow, Proceedings of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer Seminar on Spatio-temporal Structures and Chaos in Heat and Mass Transfer Processes, Athens, Greece, 1992.

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