
“Frequency of emotions” is an abstract concept that has no scientific confirmation or can it be measured. Of course, there are various websites that show the numerical values ​​of these frequencies, but they have no scientific basis. Frequencies in the human body originate from the functioning of the heart and brain, two organs that generate electromagnetic (EM) waves. Emotions can affect the frequencies of these organs, but these changes are too small to say with certainty that they are the product of certain emotions. Brain EM waves exist as alpha, beta, gamma, delta and theta waves. But the transition from one wave state to another is not a product of emotions, but of brain activity. All frequencies that are a product of the human organism are in the range of 7-30 Hz, that is, in the area of ​​extremely low frequencies. Therefore, the effect of the Lucha T8 device is in the frequency domain, which leads to optimal functioning of the entire organism.

Dies ist Lucha T8.

Entstanden aus der Überzeugung, dass das Ungleichgewicht im menschlichen Körper ein Spiegelbild des Ungleichgewichts in unserer Umgebung ist.


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